Attend a Webinar or Training session
The training is divided into four sessions which are part theory and explanation and part demonstration. They are accompanied by six practical sessions where we step you through an actual template conversion.
You can get the APPS FOR OFFICE templates when you install the 30 day trial for apps WorkSmart: Products
It doesn't really matter how you approach the sessions, you can watch the first training session, and follow that with the first walkthough, or watch all the training sessions, and then watch the Wordwallah walthrough, or vice versa. I've tried to modularise the content in each of the videos as much as possible so they can stand alone.
The sessions follow an order of showing you how to make quick and easy changes through to the more complicated operations. If you are new to MS Word and the more advanced concepts of building blocks and multi-level list styles, we recommend you start at the beginning and follow the order of the sessions.
The main difference between the two is that the training sessions have more explanation than the walkthroughs; the Walkthroughs are showing you how to do the required steps, whereas the training sessions are "this is what you do and why you do it'. In some cases, such as the Chapter building blocks session, the training demonstrates a more complex chapter setup than then walkthrough.
We are always trying to make this very detailed subject simple and easy - let us know if we could things better or if you like we do.
Please remember, we really want to help you become a master at this as quickly as possible so please contact us at if you have any questions - we can usually get you back working as quickly as possible.
apps Training: Convert a Template session 1 of 4
07 March 2015
In this video we start taking you through the process of converting an APPS FOR OFFICE template into a template branded for your business branding. This training session introduces template concepts and teaches you how to do a quick adaptation. The following sessions take you deeper into the subject if you are wanting to use your template for a long time, and/or distribute to other authors in your business.
- Introduction to templates
- How to Install apps WorkSmart
- Template Basics
- Why use a Template
- Where Templates live, the Template folder structure
- How to start a document from a Template
- Two Template layers: Document + Template
- Quick Document Layer changes –change colours, logos & cover
- How to place logo graphics
- Change headings to brand colors
Here is the PDF that accompanies the session: Convert a Template Session 1
More Videos coming soon Visit Forum
- Convert a Template - Session 2 The Template Layer, Introduction to Building Blocks
- Convert a Template - Session 3 The Template Layer, Modifying Chapters
- Convert a Template - Session 4 Advanced Document Layer, Advanced Styles, Fields and Bookmarks
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 1 of 6 - Introduction and Quick changes
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 2 of 6 - Update Styles
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 3 of 6 - Create and Add Chapters
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 4 of 6 - Add Bookmarks, Fields and Advanced Styles
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 5 of 6 - Add Content
- Convert a Template Wordwallah Conversion Walkthrough 6 of 6 - Intro to automating your proposals
Designer Brief to Template: Andrea Balzano A5 Brochure Template Build
Set up a table for a catalogue page
04 February 2014
In this video we look at how to take the Designer index in the PDF brief provided by the designer, and create the table, turning off some of the gotchas for new users.
- Styles to define
- At least or Exactly?
- Table options that will drive you and your users crazy
More Videos coming soon Visit Forum
Become an APPS FOR OFFICE Approved Template Builder
Anyone who attends our training can submit their completed template to us to be added to our APPS FOR OFFICE Approved Template Builder Register;a fee is charged to cover our processing costs. The submitted template must demonstrate that the entire first level training has been completed and pass our testing. We will also require you to complete a test to ensure you have followed the correct procedure. Once approved we'll add you to our register for businesses who need help with template building resources. Email us at to learn more.
Find an APPS FOR OFFICE Approved Template Builder
Do you want great templates but have decided that it would be better to have our team build them for you? Email us at and we'll refer you to one of our approved template builders.
Templates take time when built correctly, which means they aren't cheap. If you are happy to have your templates built by a trainee as part of their approval submission, we can build your templates at half the price.
Attend a Webinar or Training session
We are running free introductory training sessions on how to Convert an APPS FOR OFFICE template to your branding. You can watch the recording of the first video sessions here, as well as the practical, where we take you step by step through the process of converting an APPS FOR OFFICE proposal template into the Wordwallah Quotation.
Click the REGISTER button below to book your place at a session - you can attend either in person or via webinar.